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For Federal Employees.....

"Thank you for contacting our office with your questions regarding the Hatch Act. 

As an employee who is covered by the Hatch Act you may, among other things, campaign for or against candidates in a partisan political election; make campaign speeches for candidates in partisan political elections; distribute campaign literature for such candidates; express opinions about candidates and issues; contribute money to the candidate of his choice running in a partisan political election; attend political fundraising functions; attend and be active at political rallies and meetings; and  sign nominating petitions.  5 CFR §§734.202-205

Be advised however, that any political activity in which you engage must occur in your personal capacity while you are off the clock.  Equally important:  you may never, ever, solicit or accept any funds for a partisan political party or a candidate in a partisan political election.  5 CFR §734.306  You are also prohibited from engaging in political activity while:  on duty; in a government office; wearing an official uniform or using a government vehicle.  Finally, even though you may wish to help your friend as much as possible, you must not wear his (or any) partisan political button while on duty.   5 CFR §734.303"

Richard Parker, Attorney. Law Department\  US  Friday, November 09, 2007 12:00 PM

Contact your agency's law department for complete details and keep a record of their response.  It should mirror the answer given above.

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