Rules 4 U


Why Pro-Choice?
Rules 4 U



Some Rules for Standing at Abortion Mills


Each year, thousands of children are saved from abortion and abortionist repent to accept Christ when caring Christians stand in front of abortion mills throughout America.

Children are alive today because Christians took an hour or two each week to go to their local abortion mill and offer help and assistance to moms and dads as they arrive for an appointment.  Many of theses children have graduated from college and are now on their way to becoming leaders in industry or the community. 

Planned Parenthood, America's largest abortion provider, admits that the number one reason for the decline in abortions the past few years is because Christians were outside abortion mills.  The second reason is that there are fewer doctors performing abortions: they don't want a job where protestors or sidewalk counselors show up.

What should you do outside an abortion mill?

FIRST - Pray.  We should stand in front of the abortion mill in humility and pray, acknowledging Jesus as Lord.  After all, abortion is a sin caused by rejecting Christ and His Word.  This is why abortion is a a gospel issue.

Second - we are there to offer Christian Love and Help.  When you love someone, you let them know when they are doing something wrong.  These moms and dads going into the mill have bought the lie that abortion is their only choice.  Most are not aware that there is true Christian help in their community.

Third -  Hold informational signs that reveal the horror and danger of abortion.  When someone is there holding a sign, many women never go into the death camp.  Graphic signs upset some people, but it usually upsets those that say the baby is only a blob of tissue - a photo of what an abortion does refutes this lie.

Fourth  - Never go to an abortion mill alone, especially if you are new to witnessing to people in this open or street preaching format.

Fifth -  If someone becomes violent or threatens you, call the police.  If a problem occurs, obey all the orders of the police officers - many are simply wanting everybody to be safe.  If you feel the police officer is wrong in his request, you should still immediately obey and then report this to the Pro-Life person in charge. 

Sixth -   Touch no one nor their vehicles.  Never do something wrong in hopes that some good will come of it  - God does not bless wickedness regardless of the motive.

Seventh  -  Do not yell at anyone in the face.  When they are in front of you, talk normally, even if they are irate.  Remember, your ultimate goal is to bring them to a point that they submit their life to Jesus Christ.   There may be someone who will try to coerce you into a fight.  Don't take anything they say personally - they are in rebellion with God.  Ignore them and let a Pro-Life leader know about the situation. 

Eight - Everyone is permitted on public streets and sidewalks and you may find pro-abortion protestor standing next to you.  They are not the enemy - the devil is.  Use that opportunity to open a dialog.  Sometimes abortion staff members work there because they feel trapped.  You might be able to offer them help at finding a different job.

Ninth - Sometimes abortion mills are on busy and dangerous streets.  We must be careful where we stand.  Although you want people to see your sign, please be mindful not to block the view of a driver.  Remember, you want to save lives, not cause a fatality.  If children are with you, make sure they are away from traffic (harnesses are available for small children when they are not in strollers).

Tenth  - Dress appropriately for the weather.  Dehydration can occur even in cold weather.  Refresh yourself with symptoms of heat stress and stroke.  Also plot the best route to the nearest emergency room - just in case someone falls or becomes ill.

Finally - because of the immoral actions of vigilantes who think they are pro-life when they are not (i.e. brawlers, murderers, arsonists) some abortion sites have protective zones issued by a court.  Such is the aftermath of what happens when people do evil things in hope that it will yield a good result.  Sin never delivers total satisfaction and it will always cost you more than you can pay.  This is another reason to make sure you go out with a seasoned veteran of the Pro-Life movement so that you can learn about such restrictions the easy way.  Abide by the restrictions and report anyone who makes vigilante comments about doing something illegal to try to stop abortion to your local law enforcement.  Remember, you are out there to glorify Jesus and save lives - even though the world will often misunderstand you and demonize you for daring to take a stand for righteousness.


Let us introduce you to a national organization that will  not compromise on the personhood of the pre-born.

 1535 Grant Street #303, Denver CO 80203   (888)-888-ARTL


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