Eden's Tree of Death
- Understanding Theology & Criminal Justice
in the Shadow of God's Law.
Are you a Christian perplexed over the laws of the Bible? What
do they all mean? What bible laws should be used by civil government
and which ones should not? Is criminal justice really at the heart of the Gospel message? Did you know that what you believe about criminal
justice and the law can influence your understanding of key passages of the
bible? What is the relationship between the Tree of Knowledge, mentioned in
Genesis, to criminal law and the death penalty? The bible says to kill
witches, does that mean our government should enforce that law? Aren't
Christians suppose to forgive everybody or not?

An Introduction to God's Criminal Justice System
and The Law presents basic concepts of a righteous criminal justice system. If you would like to be notified when this book becomes available to the
public, or if you would like to get an advance copy,
please let us know.. |